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The Petaluma Baha'i Community has ongoing activities for people of all ages, of all backgrounds, religions, and ethnicities. There is never a charge or collection. Donations are not accepted. Baha'i activities are a gift to the community.


Ongoing Activities

Classes for Children - Age 5 to 11


In Baha'i classes for children, we emphasize knowing and loving God through virtues and values, cooperation, appreciation of diversity, concern for others, and care for our environment.

Devotional Gatherings


Devotional gatherings are occasions where all people may enter, pray together, share inspiration from any faith practice, and enjoy fellowship and elevated conversations in which the "city of the human heart" may be opened.

Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program - Ages 12 to 15


This program, facilitated by trained "animators," seeks to release the intellectual and spiritual powers of young adolescents and direct them toward service to humanity.

Adult Study Circles


The Baha'i Faith offers group study on themes of a spiritual nature, such as prayer, life after death, the oneness of religion, compassionate consultation, serving the community, and acquiring virtues.

Walking Together on a Path of Service

The worldwide Baha’i community is warm, vibrant,

diverse, and welcoming.

We invite you to learn with us how Baha’u’llah’s teachings are changing the world.


We welcome participants of all backgrounds.

Adults: Join a study circle—Children: Join a Baha’i children’s class

Ages 12—15: Join a Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program


All Ages: Attend or host an informal devotional gathering.

Learn about Baha’i service projects in your neighborhood.


Start by contacting Baha’is in your local community.

Or visit  Or see our contact page.

Phone: 707-765-8877

PO Box 23

Petaluma, CA 94953-0023


For more information about the Baha'i Faith access these sites:

© 2017 by Baha'is of Petaluma.

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